Welcome! As we step out in faith to adopt from Ghana, we started this blog as a way to share the story of our adoption journey with family and friends. Step by step on this journey we are learning to trust in and rely on God all the more.
If you would like to start reading about our journey from the beginning start with the January 1st post, "How it all Started".

Friday, March 12, 2010

My How Time Flies…and Not!

It’s hard to believe that 1 year ago Ken came home and asked what I thought about adopting. A year I could not have dreamed we would be on this journey.

3 1/2 months ago we started full steam ahead toward adopting 2 children from Ghana. Right now we feel like we are at a screeching halt. According to our home study agency, it was to take about 4 weeks for the report to be written and receive an adoption endorsement letter. Currently, we are 4 weeks past that projected date. Needless to say we are a bit frustrated.

We can’t wait for this step to be completed, so we can complete our 1600a. And hopefully one day soon receive the call that telling us about our children.

Yes, we know things take time. Yes, we continue to trust in God’s timing. Yes, we’re human. And yes, this is one of the MANY lessons in patience we will experience on this journey. Can’t imagine doing this without Him!

1 comment:

  1. Tell me about it! Adopting is definately NOT for the faint of heart!
