Welcome! As we step out in faith to adopt from Ghana, we started this blog as a way to share the story of our adoption journey with family and friends. Step by step on this journey we are learning to trust in and rely on God all the more.
If you would like to start reading about our journey from the beginning start with the January 1st post, "How it all Started".

Monday, June 20, 2011

A Few Crazy Weeks (May 12th-May 27th)

Over the next few weeks things were crazy. It seemed like we had something almost every day. Ken had a bunch of church meetings, we had meetings regarding Nicole’s school, there were doctor and dentist appointments, and Jacob had softball practice. Ken is also doing some major yard/basement projects. It was a joy to be able to add getting ready for our trip to Ghana to the list.

The plan was to fly out May 29th; O’Hare to Dulles, and Dulles to Accra, Ghana with Ryan and Kristen. I do have to share about a very special person, he is the son of some friends from church and he is a pilot. When our friends told his son about us he offered to help us with our airline tickets by allowing us his buddy passes (stand-by). This gift greatly reduced the cost we had to pay for the flights. He is a true blessing!

The thing with buddy passes is you must be flexible, so when “B” called on May 27th to see if we could leave for D.C. a day early (the flight to Ghana was still on for the 29th), we made it happen. This would help reduce the risk that the domestic flight would be an issue. We had everyone lined up to take care of the kids and most everything packed. Having to leave a day early ended up being a real blessing. We had been so busy with all the busyness that we hadn’t really had time to focus on the referral; we needed this forced break.

We do want to say a special thank you to those who cared for Jacob and Nicole while we were gone. Grammie, Grampie, Heidie, Jessica, Montana & Lois, thank you so very much for taking care of our children while we were gone. It was wonderful not to have to worry about them knowing they were being well cared for.

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