Yesterday I was e-mailing back & forth with my coordinator. We are STILL waiting for paperwork on the potential sibling set and we don’t know when it will come in; hopefully next week, but maybe not. We thought it would’ve been ready some time ago. In the conversation our new, dear friends’ names came up. It didn’t seem fair to keep them waiting when they were ready and we were not. They, of course, had to anxious to meet their boys.
I said I would call Kristen in the morning to let her know what was going on and to see where things stood. I was so sad. We wanted to travel together, I felt bad they were waiting for us, and I was sad we are still waiting.
I called Kristen this morning and told her what was happening. I told her we were hoping the paperwork would come in next week. I felt so happy when she said they still wanted to travel with us. We left it that they would wait until next week to see if we get our match, if not, they would probably move ahead without us.
Because yesterday had me so bummed, I had contacted my dear friend, Janie, to see if she could come over today. I needed someone to cheer me up, to distract me. I was so thankful she could come. While we were in the middle of “distraction therapy” I received an e-mail from my coordinator saying she got an interesting e-mail from our new facilitator and that she’d tell me more in a sec. What? That’s it? Torture!!!
Then my phone rang…. It was about 10:40 am and the caller ID showed it was my adoption coordinator. I held my breath. My first thought was, “what’s wrong?” I will never forget the words that came out of her mouth, “I think it’s time.” My response was, “You think it’s time for what?’ Again, I held my breath. She then said, “I think it’s time you got your referral”. “Are you serious?” is all I could say as the tears started falling; a huge weight was lifting from my shoulders as she proceeded to tell me about my new children.
After I hung up the phone, I saw a second e-mail from her letting us know that the facilitator was planning on us attending court on June 2nd. June 2nd!!! That’s only 3 weeks away!!! I suddenly had major butterflies! I was so glad Janie was there to share the moment with me.
I immediately tried to call Ken and wouldn’t you know it, he didn’t answer his work phone or his cell phone. He finally called back about a half and hour later, and although he was disappointed he missed my call, He was just as excited as I was about the news. He wanted me to send their pictures and info, right away, to him at work.
I then had to call Kristen. She was at the pool with her son. Let me tell you, she gave me the BEST reaction, happily screaming incoherently. Even today, I have no idea what she said.
Several more things I did today. 1) Called a couple more close friends to give them the good news. I totally loved that! 2) Had our Dr. look over the kids medicals (it’s just something you do). 3) Called our coordinator back after Ken got home to say, "Yes, yes, yes!!!!!" to the referral.
I still can’t believe that we got “THE CALL” today. I was beginning to think it would never happen. I have been staring at their pictures ever since…..Thank you Jesus!!!